Picasso Lake Airsoft Field Rules
Approved eye protection must be worn at all times outside safety zones and at the chrono
Safety zones include the parking lot, staging area, and office
chambers must be cleared and/or have barrel covers installed
Pistols replicas must remain holstered at all times
Class Limits Joule (MED) Additional Requirements
Pistol SMG Rifleman 1.67J (10 ft) Semi Auto only
DMR (Semi lock) 1.87J (50 Ft) Scope and Mid-Cap mags
Sniper (bolt action) 2.21J (75 ft)
Full Auto or Binary 1.67J (50 ft)
Players must have secondary to play over Pistol SMG and Rifleman
Maximum rate of fire (ROF) is 30 (RPS)
No blind firing! Barrel must be in line with and below the players eyes
Bang! Bang! only applies from behind an opposing player (no run bye bang bangs)
PARLAY can be called when players are inside the MED (free move to suitable distance)
When it doubt, call yourself out!
Gun hits don’t count, equipment hits do count
You can shoot thru holes and cracks
Ricochet hit count if they are in the direction of an opposing player
When hit, announce "hit", raise their replica and use red rag
Players may not call out the hits of an opposing player
Kill radius of a frag or sound grenades is (10) feet line of site or physical contact
Yellow / Orange clothing is not permitted for active players
Players < 13 must be accompanied on the field by a parent or legal guardian
Players < 18 must wear full face + ear protection, and have parental or legal guardian consent to participate.
Aggressive contact, roughhousing, or violence will not be tolerated.
Do not bring real weapons onto the field.
Do not bring substances that, by design or consequence, inhibit motor function and decision-making ability. That includes inhaled substances (i.e. marijuana), and alcoholic beverages.
Biodegradable BBs are required.
Do not climb or damage trees and structures
Do not leave trash on the field or in the parking lot.
Players are responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen rental equipment.
Rental guns MUST use clean, new field BBs. No exceptions!
Do not tamper, intentionally overshoot, damage or throw props.
Avoid field hazards including but not limited to biting and stinging insects as well as hazardous plants (flies, mosquitos, bees, ticks, chiggers, poison ivy, briar vines)
Report any issues to field staff
Referee’s decisions on the field are final
Anything else Picasso Lake Airsoft deems to be inappropriate can be grounds for expulsion
Whenever possible, avoid bringing valuables to the field. Once lost it can be very difficult to find.
PLA will do its best to return lost items
Items left at the filed may become property of PLA